Thursday, December 22, 2016

Mother Accepts Facebook Friend Who Then Steal Photos Of Her Baby Girl And Posts Them As Her Own

Imagine seeing those special pictures of your newborn child on an impostor’s Facebook page, labelled with a fake name. This is what happened to Natalie and Rick Ross. 

The Ross family was left shocked and angered when they saw photos of their two-week-old daughter, Emmaline, on another woman’s Facebook page. The page was under the fake name of ‘Maryann McGregor’ who was attempting to pass Emmaline off as another little girl named ‘Embry.’ The sham family even came with a fake husband named Brad.
Luckily, it wasn’t too hard to track down the real identity of ‘Maryann McGregor.’
An acquaintance of a woman named Meagan Williams became suspicious when she saw the profile. With a quick Google search, the woman uncovered the same photos of Emmaline on the photographers website. They then alerted the Ross family that their baby pictures had been hijacked.
At first, the Ross’s were unsure how their professional photos had been stolen, until they remembered their encounter with Meagan Williams. Williams had sent Natalie Ross a friend request on Facebook on the premise that Williams was following Natalie’s blog. Natalie’s webpage talks about the loss of her firstborn daughter Madeline, who sadly died of SIDS.
While Williams claimed to have reached out because of the blog, in truth the friendship was a ruse to steal those baby photos.
“She used my daughter to get into my life and then she’s stealing the identity of this other little girl that we prayed so hard for,” Natalie said.
After the Ross family confronted Williams, who initially denied any wrong doing, both her real Facebook account as well as ‘Maryann McGregor’ disappeared.
The Ross’s felt the need to come forward with their story to warn others about accepting strangers on Facebook.
“Be very careful of who you accept because you never know what they could do or what they are capable of doing,” Rick says.
Please SHARE this important message with other parents.

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